Hengfeng Wei (魏恒峰)

Hengfeng Wei 

Research Assistant
(From 2020-09)

Software Institute
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology
Nanjing University



About me

I am now a research assistant with Software Institute at Nanjing University.

I received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science and technology from Nanjing University in 2009 and 2016, respectively.

From 2017-01 to 2020-08, I was a research assistant with the Department of Computer Science and Technology at Nanjing University.

My research interests include Distributed Computing and Database Systems.   <<more>>

Selected Recent Publications

(*: Corresponding Author)


  1. Xue Jiang, Hengfeng Wei*, Yu Huang, Yuxing Chen, Anqun Pan.
    A Generic Specification Framework for Weakly Consistent Replicated Data Types.
    (TPDS 2025; Accepted, PrePrints)
    [IEEE Link]; [PDF]; [Abstract]; [Funding]


  1. Si Liu, Long Gu, Hengfeng Wei*, David Basin.
    Plume: Efficient and Complete Black-box Checking of Weak Isolation Levels.
    Proc. ACM Program. Lang. 8, OOPSLA2, Article 302 (October 2024), 29 pages.
    [ACM Link] [PDF]; [Abstract]; [bib]

  2. Long Gu, Si Liu, Tiancheng Xing, Hengfeng Wei*, Yuxing Chen, David Basin.
    IsoVista: Black-box Checking Database Isolation Guarantees.
    Proc. VLDB Endow. (VLDB 2024; Demo Track) 17.12 (Aug. 2024), pp. 4325–4328.
    [PVLDB Link] [PDF]; [Abstract]; [bib]

  3. Si Liu, Luca Multazzu, Hengfeng Wei, David Basin.
    NOC-NOC: Towards Performance-optimal Distributed Transactions.
    Proc. ACM Manag. Data, Vol. 2, No. 1 (SIGMOD; June 2024), Article 9. 9:1-9:25.
    [ACM Link]; [PDF]; [Abstract]; [bib];


  1. Kaile Huang, Si Liu, Zhenge Chen, Hengfeng Wei*, David Basin, Haixiang Li, Anqun Pan.
    Efficient Black-box Checking of Snapshot Isolation in Databases.
    Proc. VLDB Endow. Volume 16, No. 6 (PVLDB; April 2023), 1264–1276.
    [ACM Link] [PDF]; [arXiv Version]; [Abstract]; [Funding]; [bib]


  1. Hongrong Ouyang, Hengfeng Wei*, Yu Huang, Haixiang Li*, Anqun Pan.
    Checking Causal Consistency of MongoDB.
    Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), 37(1):128-146, Jan. 2022.
    [PDF] (Journal version of the Internetware’2020/2021 paper); [Abstract]; [Funding]


  1. Manuel Bravo, Alexey Gotsman, Borja de Régil, Hengfeng Wei.
    UniStore: A Fault-tolerant Marriage of Causal and Strong Consistency.
    The 2021 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC), July, 2021.
    [PDF]; [PDF (Extended Version)]; [Abstract]; [Funding]

  2. Xiaosong Gu, Hengfeng Wei*, Lei Qiao, Yu Huang.
    Raft with Out-of-Order Executions (in Chinese).
    Journal of Software (JOS), 32(6):1748-1778, 2021.
    [PDF]; [Video at bilibili]; [PDF (in English; ICSI’2021) ] Achieving Probabilistic Atomicity with Well-Bounded Staleness and Low Read Latency in Distributed Datastores.
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 32(4):815-829, Apr. 2021.
    [PDF]; [Abstract]; [Funding];


  1. Hengfeng Wei, Ruize Tang, Yu Huang, Jian Lu.
    Jupiter Made Abstract, and Then Refined.
    Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), 35(6):1343-1364, Dec. 2020.

  2. Xue Jiang, Hengfeng Wei*, Yu Huang.
    A Generic Specification Framework for Weakly Consistent Replicated Data Types.
    In the Proceeding of the 39th International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), Sep. 2020.

  3. Kaile Huang, Yu Huang, Hengfeng Wei.
    Fine-grained Analysis on Fast Implementations of Distributed Multi-writer Atomic Registers.
    In the Proceeding of the ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), Aug. 2020.

  4. Xingchen Yi, Hengfeng Wei*, Yu Huang, Lei Qiao, Jian Lu.
    TPaxos in PaxosStore: Derivation, Specification and Refinement (in Chinese).
    Journal of Software (JOS), 31(8):2336-2361, 2020.
    [PDF]; [Video at bilibili]

Full List of Publications